SPARQL examples

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SPARQL Query Examples

MARC records

MARC records in CLB-LOD

PREFIX clbwb: <>
PREFIX clbdp: <>
PREFIX clbp: <>
PREFIX clbps: <>
PREFIX clbpq: <>
PREFIX clbpr: <>
PREFIX clbno: <>

select ?wikibase_item ?pubtype ?1stauthor (group_concat(?title;SEPARATOR=" == ") as ?titles)
where { 
  ?wikibase_item clbdp:P5 clbwb:Q3; clbdp:P58 ?type; clbdp:P6 ?title.
  ?type rdfs:label ?pubtype . filter(lang(?pubtype)="en")
  optional {?wikibase_item clbp:P12 [clbps:P12 ?1stau; clbpq:P14 "1"] .
           ?1stau clbdp:P48 ?1stauthor.}
  } group by ?wikibase_item ?pubtype ?1stauthor ?titles

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Which records contain unreconciled creator statements?

PREFIX clbwb: <>
PREFIX clbdp: <>
PREFIX clbp: <>
PREFIX clbps: <>
PREFIX clbpq: <>
PREFIX clbpr: <>
PREFIX clbno: <>

select ?bibItem (iri(concat("",?record)) as ?clb_link) ?creatorstatement ?firstname ?lastname
where {
  ?marc_creator_prop clbdp:P5 clbwb:Q33; rdfs:label ?marc_creator_role_label . filter (lang(?marc_creator_role_label)="en")
  bind(strafter(str(?marc_creator_prop),"") as ?pid)
  bind(iri(concat("",?pid)) as ?stprop)
  bind(iri(concat("",?pid)) as ?prop)
  ?bibItem clbp:P5 [clbps:P5 clbwb:Q3; clbpq:P7 ?record]; ?prop ?creatorstatement . 
  ?creatorstatement clbpq:P48 ?lastname . optional {?creatorstatement clbpq:P47 ?firstname.}
  filter not exists {?creatorstatement ?stprop [].}
  } order by ?lastname

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Creators in CLB-LOD

PREFIX clbwb: <>
PREFIX clbdp: <>
PREFIX clbp: <>
PREFIX clbps: <>
PREFIX clbpq: <>
PREFIX clbpr: <>
PREFIX clbno: <>

select ?wikibase_item ?label
  (iri(concat("",?wikidata)) as ?wikidata_link) 
  (iri(concat("",?nkcr)) as ?nkcr_link)
  (count(?bibitem) as ?author_roles)
where { 
  ?wikibase_item clbdp:P5 clbwb:Q5; rdfs:label ?label. filter (lang(?label)="en")
  ?wikibase_item clbdp:P8 ?nkcr .
  optional {?wikibase_item clbdp:P1 ?wikidata .}
  optional {?bibitem clbdp:P12 ?wikibase_item .}
} group by ?wikibase_item ?label ?nkcr ?wikidata ?author_roles order by desc(?author_roles)

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Distribution of MARC creator roles

This will list MARC creator roles existing in the data, and number of creator statements.

PREFIX clbwb: <>
PREFIX clbdp: <>
PREFIX clbp: <>
PREFIX clbps: <>
PREFIX clbpq: <>
PREFIX clbpr: <>
PREFIX clbno: <>

select ?marc_creator_role ?marc_creator_role_label (count(?bibItem) as ?number_of_creator_statements)
where {
?marc_creator_prop clbdp:P5 clbwb:Q33; wikibase:directClaim ?marc_creator_role; rdfs:label ?marc_creator_role_label .
  filter (lang(?marc_creator_role_label)="en")
?bibItem ?marc_creator_role [] .                

group by ?marc_creator_role ?marc_creator_role_label ?number_of_creator_statements        
order by desc(?number_of_creator_statements)

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How many NKCR creators were not found on Wikidata?

This gives the number of NKCR-disambiguated creators vs. the number of these found on Wikidata.

PREFIX clbwb: <>
PREFIX clbdp: <>
PREFIX clbp: <>
PREFIX clbps: <>
PREFIX clbpq: <>
PREFIX clbpr: <>
PREFIX clbno: <>

  (count(?nkcr) as ?nkcr_count)
  (count(?wikidata) as ?wikidata_count)
where { 
  ?wikibase_item clbdp:P5 clbwb:Q5;
                 clbdp:P8 ?nkcr .
  optional {?wikibase_item clbdp:P1 ?wikidata .}}

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How many creator statements are not reconciled?

This returns the number of creator statements (all roles) that do not point to a creator item (but to name literals instead)

PREFIX clbwb: <>
PREFIX clbdp: <>
PREFIX clbp: <>
PREFIX clbps: <>
PREFIX clbpq: <>
PREFIX clbpr: <>
PREFIX clbno: <>

select (count (distinct ?creatorstatement) as ?number_of_unreconciled)
where {
  ?marc_creator_prop clbdp:P5 clbwb:Q33; rdfs:label ?marc_creator_role_label . filter (lang(?marc_creator_role_label)="en")
  bind(strafter(str(?marc_creator_prop),"") as ?pid)
  bind(iri(concat("",?pid)) as ?stprop)
  bind(iri(concat("",?pid)) as ?prop)
  ?bibItem clbdp:P5 clbwb:Q3; ?prop ?creatorstatement . 
  ?creatorstatement clbpq:P48 ?lastname . optional {?creatorstatement clbpq:P47 ?firstname.}
  filter not exists {?creatorstatement ?stprop [].}
  } group by ?number_of_unreconciled

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Co-authors of one author

This shows the co-authors of one author as graph visualization (change visualization type to "table" for seeing the source data used for the graph visualization)

PREFIX clbwb: <>
PREFIX clbdp: <>
PREFIX clbp: <>
PREFIX clbps: <>
PREFIX clbpq: <>
PREFIX clbpr: <>
PREFIX clbno: <>

select ?author ?authorLabel ?coauthor ?coauthorLabel (count(?bibItem) as ?count)
where {
  bind(clbwb:Q204 as ?author) # author we want to see the co-authors (e.g. Q204, V. Malínek)
  ?author rdfs:label ?authorLabel. filter(lang(?authorLabel) = "cs")
  ?bibItem clbdp:P5 clbwb:Q3; clbdp:P12 ?author. # all bibitems authored by that author
  ?bibItem clbdp:P12 ?coauthor. filter(?coauthor != ?author).
  ?coauthor rdfs:label ?coauthorLabel. filter(lang(?coauthorLabel) = "cs")
  } group by ?author ?authorLabel ?coauthor ?coauthorLabel ?count order by desc(?count)

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UDC Classificators

UDC Classificators in CLB-LOD

UDC Classificators, at the moment, are represented as literals as in MARC. A conceptual mapping, i.e. linking classificators to concepts, is planned.

PREFIX clbwb: <>
PREFIX clbdp: <>
PREFIX clbp: <>
PREFIX clbps: <>
PREFIX clbpq: <>
PREFIX clbpr: <>
PREFIX clbno: <>

select ?udc_literal (count(?wikibase_item) as ?bibitems)
where { 
  ?wikibase_item clbp:P86 [clbpq:P87 ?udc_literal] .
} group by ?udc_literal ?bibitems order by desc(?bibitems)

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CLB-LOD Ontology

Overview of items reserved for the CLB-LOD Ontology (Q1 to Q200)

PREFIX clbwb: <>
PREFIX clbdp: <>
PREFIX clbp: <>
PREFIX clbps: <>
PREFIX clbpq: <>
PREFIX clbpr: <>
PREFIX clbno: <>

select ?wikibase_item ?label
where { 
  ?wikibase_item rdfs:label ?label. filter (lang(?label)="en")
  values ?wikibase_item {clbwb:Q1 clbwb:Q2 clbwb:Q3 clbwb:Q4 clbwb:Q5 clbwb:Q6 clbwb:Q7 clbwb:Q8 clbwb:Q9 clbwb:Q10 clbwb:Q11 clbwb:Q12 clbwb:Q13 clbwb:Q14 clbwb:Q15 clbwb:Q16 clbwb:Q17 clbwb:Q18 clbwb:Q19 clbwb:Q20 clbwb:Q21 clbwb:Q22 clbwb:Q23 clbwb:Q24 clbwb:Q25 clbwb:Q26 clbwb:Q27 clbwb:Q28 clbwb:Q29 clbwb:Q30 clbwb:Q31 clbwb:Q32 clbwb:Q33 clbwb:Q34 clbwb:Q35 clbwb:Q36 clbwb:Q37 clbwb:Q38 clbwb:Q39 clbwb:Q40 clbwb:Q41 clbwb:Q42 clbwb:Q43 clbwb:Q44 clbwb:Q45 clbwb:Q46 clbwb:Q47 clbwb:Q48 clbwb:Q49 clbwb:Q50 clbwb:Q51 clbwb:Q52 clbwb:Q53 clbwb:Q54 clbwb:Q55 clbwb:Q56 clbwb:Q57 clbwb:Q58 clbwb:Q59 clbwb:Q60 clbwb:Q61 clbwb:Q62 clbwb:Q63 clbwb:Q64 clbwb:Q65 clbwb:Q66 clbwb:Q67 clbwb:Q68 clbwb:Q69 clbwb:Q70 clbwb:Q71 clbwb:Q72 clbwb:Q73 clbwb:Q74 clbwb:Q75 clbwb:Q76 clbwb:Q77 clbwb:Q78 clbwb:Q79 clbwb:Q80 clbwb:Q81 clbwb:Q82 clbwb:Q83 clbwb:Q84 clbwb:Q85 clbwb:Q86 clbwb:Q87 clbwb:Q88 clbwb:Q89 clbwb:Q90 clbwb:Q91 clbwb:Q92 clbwb:Q93 clbwb:Q94 clbwb:Q95 clbwb:Q96 clbwb:Q97 clbwb:Q98 clbwb:Q99 clbwb:Q100 clbwb:Q101 clbwb:Q102 clbwb:Q103 clbwb:Q104 clbwb:Q105 clbwb:Q106 clbwb:Q107 clbwb:Q108 clbwb:Q109 clbwb:Q110 clbwb:Q111 clbwb:Q112 clbwb:Q113 clbwb:Q114 clbwb:Q115 clbwb:Q116 clbwb:Q117 clbwb:Q118 clbwb:Q119 clbwb:Q120 clbwb:Q121 clbwb:Q122 clbwb:Q123 clbwb:Q124 clbwb:Q125 clbwb:Q126 clbwb:Q127 clbwb:Q128 clbwb:Q129 clbwb:Q130 clbwb:Q131 clbwb:Q132 clbwb:Q133 clbwb:Q134 clbwb:Q135 clbwb:Q136 clbwb:Q137 clbwb:Q138 clbwb:Q139 clbwb:Q140 clbwb:Q141 clbwb:Q142 clbwb:Q143 clbwb:Q144 clbwb:Q145 clbwb:Q146 clbwb:Q147 clbwb:Q148 clbwb:Q149 clbwb:Q150 clbwb:Q151 clbwb:Q152 clbwb:Q153 clbwb:Q154 clbwb:Q155 clbwb:Q156 clbwb:Q157 clbwb:Q158 clbwb:Q159 clbwb:Q160 clbwb:Q161 clbwb:Q162 clbwb:Q163 clbwb:Q164 clbwb:Q165 clbwb:Q166 clbwb:Q167 clbwb:Q168 clbwb:Q169 clbwb:Q170 clbwb:Q171 clbwb:Q172 clbwb:Q173 clbwb:Q174 clbwb:Q175 clbwb:Q176 clbwb:Q177 clbwb:Q178 clbwb:Q179 clbwb:Q180 clbwb:Q181 clbwb:Q182 clbwb:Q183 clbwb:Q184 clbwb:Q185 clbwb:Q186 clbwb:Q187 clbwb:Q188 clbwb:Q189 clbwb:Q190 clbwb:Q191 clbwb:Q192 clbwb:Q193 clbwb:Q194 clbwb:Q195 clbwb:Q196 clbwb:Q197 clbwb:Q198 clbwb:Q199 clbwb:Q200 }
bind(xsd:integer(strafter(str(?wikibase_item),"")) as ?order) 
} order by ?order

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